How can Contract Management Impact Liability and Risk?
Analyzing the different types of AI, the one that would be more beneficial for you, while managing the operations side of your business, would be Regression unless you are a more sophisticated organization.
Regression allows you to forecast, and since it’s the one thing that most managers are looking for, this resource will help you look at the data and analyze that information and predict the outcome, and this can work with any numerical or data set operation.
When you forecast your operation and analyze your results, you understand where things are not going so great and prevent leakages in order to save money.
When you are operating a business you want to make sure that you use any resource or tool to not only generate more business, but the business you generate to be significant and reduce costs, especially those ones that you could predict initially.
Let’s cut through the jargon, myths and nebulous world of data, machine learning and AI. Each week we’ll be unpacking topics related to the world of data and AI with the awarding winning founders of 1000ML. Whether you’re in the data world already or looking to learn more about it, this podcast is for you.