Apogee Suite: AI-Powered Legal Document Research Platform

How does Mensa work (our Conversational AI)? - Apogee Suite: AI-Powered Legal Document Research Platform

Apogee Suite: AI-Powered Legal Document Research Platform

How does Mensa work (our Conversational AI)?

Apogee Suite is a 1000ml AI ecosystem, being the core, that understands different functions and systems for different purposes. Part of it is the ability to have smart conversations with our customers; let’s take a peak at How does Mensa work.

One of the Apogee Suite functions or systems is a chatbot called Mensa. 

Mensa and all the Apogee Suite functions can be adapted to the departments of a business, not only customer service but supply chain, RH, operations and legal departments as well. 

Our document and intelligence recommendation engine make it easy for our users to find necessary documents, forms, regulations or legalese for their business. 

We use natural language processing (NLP), understanding (NLU) and generation (NLG), as well as machine learning to recommend relevant documents and workflows for our customers. 

Being built with this foundation makes it easier to adapt Apogee Suite to any implementation in any business or any department in an organization as we explained. 


Let’s cut through the jargon, myths and nebulous world of data, machine learning and AI. Each week we’ll be unpacking topics related to the world of data and AI with the awarding winning founders of 1000ML. Whether you’re in the data world already or looking to learn more about it, this podcast is for you.